style: jenny belin
I recently went to visit my friend Jenny Belin at Brooklyn Collective, which she has been part of since the spring of 2008. Brooklyn Collective is a cooperative started by Rachel Goldberg and Tessa Phillips which gives artists and crafts people a unique space where they can show and sell their work while enjoying creative freedom. Rachel and Tessa also have a studio space in the back of the showroom which is available for Jenny to use while working in the shop. When Lauren and I arrived Jenny had many of her paintings spread out on a large table and she was busily selecting works for a special edition of prints that are scheduled to be sold on on November 19, 20, and 21.
Jenny's favorite subjects are people and animals, and she paints really lovely portraits of both. I find her work to be both whimsical and feminine, without being "too sweet". She does other things too...Adam bought me a wonderful painting of a pink airplane which also incorprates elements of is fantastic and hangs in our tv room.
I asked Jenny to consider selling her work at the PS 321 Holiday Shop this year and was thrilled when she agreed. Her small paintings of animals are perfect decorations for children's rooms. She is also available for commissions and has done many many pet portraits over the years. If you would like to see her work please come to the sale on December 10th and stop by her table. You may also contact her directly here.

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