young gardeners
I recently had someone come and help me with our rooftop gardens...a few things had died (thanks to the cats designating the pots as a good litter box substitute) that I wanted to replace. In addition, there are always things, such as pruning, that I am too unsure of to do myself. It all went very well and I was so happy to have crossed something off the never ending to do list. Then two things happened. First, my dear cats relocated to different pots that they had ignored prior to our replanting, digging up some strawberies and herbs, much to my horror. Second, my kids were really disappointed not to get to do some of the gardening themselves. Luckily the first situation necessitated a bit more work, so the kids got to help after all.
Oliver is particularly obsessed with the garden and ran excitedly through the shop wanting to buy everything in sight. Like me he has a real affinity for succulents so we bought quite a few of those. We also got some ground cover to fill in around the plants where the cats were digging. Oliver took charge of the planting when we got home, and allowed Bea work with him...I found that to be extra special since the two don't always like to cooperate with one another. I also loved seeing my city kids taking the opportunity to learn and explore nature. Even just a small job in the garden amused them for hours.

Reader Comments (2)
Both your kids are dead ringers for you at their ages! And how awesome that they love to garden!
he'll be ready to move into our intern trailer in no time!