map totes by sammy
Over the summer we spent a few days on Fire Island with friends Jodi and Fred, and their boys Sammy and Lionel. The absence of cars on the island means much more freedom and independence for kids, and one way this was most apparent were all the entrepreneurial kids. Every time we left the house we passed kids selling lemonade, painted shells, home made cookies, etc. Once a summer the island fully embraces this trend and has a big sale where all the kids get to set up a true Fire Island spirit they each bring a red wagon displaying their wares. Sammy and Lionel have had a wagon for the last couple years where they sell tote bags that Sammy makes. The bags are so cute that they sold out in past years so Sam was in full production mode when we arrived a few days before the sale. It is so great to see how he has channeled his longtime interest in maps into a great in touch if you want a custom tote and I will make the introduction!