Over the summer when we did our indigo dyeing project I had some leftover bags and tees so we decided to give stenciling a try.
I had Lotta Jansdotter's stenciling book so I just needed to buy some paints and brushes at the art supply store.
It turns out stenciling is a little tricky for some kids. They all enjoyed it, but when an adult assistant was able to hold the fabric and stincil still so the kids could just focus on applying the paint the outcome was more successful.
Although our first try did not gvie us the most beautiful results we will certainly try it again! Maybe now that it is winter and we spend more time indoors we will have time to practice and improve our techniques!
In addition to the stencils we did have fun cutting up sponges and doing prints with them too. I found that the sponges that are sold flat are easy to cut, and once they are wet and plump make great stamps.

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