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exciting news: super make it


You may have noticed that in recent months I have been posting less, and complaining of being busy more! I am excited to finally be able to explain why. My wonderful friend Jodi Levine, a longtime craft editor at Martha Stewart Living magazine, has been wanting to write a craft book for ages and decided to take the plunge. About a year ago she asked me if I would join forces with her and photograph the book. It started as a bit of a pipe dream...we imagined self publishing...but after a lot of work and much time we are happy to announce that Potter Craft will publish the book in the fall of 2014. It is such a thrill for me to be collaborating with such a talented and inspiring friend, and a very exciting (and sometimes scary) opportunity do be doing something new. 


The book, Super Make It, will be full of ideas for rainy days, parties, holidays, for adults and kids to do separately or together.  Martha Stewart Living gave a sneak peak at one of Jodi's projects in the May issue of Martha Stewart Living, and we just launched our website for the book if you want to take a look! I'll keep you posted as we add more to the site.

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Reader Comments (3)

So excited to see this! I had heard this was in the works, looks amazing! Can't wait.

April 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLaura Tyskza

Jumping up and down!! Hooray! Can't wait! Fall of 2014 seems too far away! Congrats you guys!

April 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrooke Reynolds

Thanks so much Laura and Brooke! I agree...Fall 2014 does seem a long way off!

April 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commentereclecticmom

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