duck tape canoe
Oliver is inspired to create things by everything he sees. Recently I was working on a project with my friend Jodi that involved duck tape and cardboard. Oliver was watching and wanting to "help" but it was not really something I could include him in at that exact moment. A minute or two passed and then he asked if he could also use some duck tape and a toilet paper roll. I agreed, and suggested that he use the leopard print tape he had begged me for when we had been shopping at Lowe's. After what seemed like only a moment I heard him calling excitedly from the bathroom, "It works mom! It floats!" When I went to see what he was talking about he had made this amazing little boat and was testing it in the bathroom sink. We filled a bowl of water and he set to work making an was particularly fun to see that not only was he testing his imagination and crafting skills, but also doing a little science project.